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      Read the "Legal Drugs Law" for help. The law was passed by the General Assembly to protect against the use of LSD as an illegal recreational drug in 1971, and by 1977, to prevent the misuse of other psychedelics. It remains to be done whether or not people will take psychedelics in order to use them. It is also interesting to find out which psychedelics may be used as a means of getting high while on Methadone. This is because MDMA in the oral form contains many drugs which are highly addictive. Read the article "Dirty Minds" about LSD as well. If you use psychedelics you are violating the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Please contact the Drug Control Law Coordinator for help. Use of prescription drugs can have side effects such as delusions, dizziness, dizziness, seizures, withdrawal of consciousness, psychosis and anxiety (including depression and mood disorder). Can Ketalar make you tired?

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